
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

with links to corresponding github repositories

More projects can be found on github

Deep learning in asset pricing - BNP AI lab

Deep learning in asset pricing - BNP AI lab

Implementation of a deep learning architecture to create financial factors. The objective of this project is to reduce pricing errors by training neural networks to generate deep factors (intermediate features) based on firm characteristics(inputs) in order to predict portfolio returns (outputs).

Target re-identification using graphs

Target re-identification using graphs

In this project, we explore several approaches to optimise target re-identification (re-ID) as a re-ranking problem. Our work consisted in trying different methods to re-rank the re-ID results. Each image is represented by a node in a graph to which we have applied supervised and unsupervised link prediction methods.

Deep learning in medical imaging: Prostate cancer grade assessment challenge

Deep learning in medical imaging: Prostate cancer grade assessment challenge

The goal of this challenge is to predict the ISUP Grade using only Histopathology images. For that, we need to deal with the process of Whole Slide Images as huge gigapixel images and deal with the limited number of patients provided in the train set. This is a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem which is a form of weakly supervised learning. Lean more about this in my github repository.

Object DGCNN: 3D Object Detection using Dynamic Graphs

Object DGCNN: 3D Object Detection using Dynamic Graphs

This project studies the Object DGCNN paper which proposes a method for object detection and velocity estimation in 3D LIDAR scans. It improves previous voxel- or pillar-based frameworks by adding a graph network and by avoiding non-maximum suppression by teaching the network to not produce duplicates through bipartite result-GT-matching.

3D Reconstruction Using Structure-from-Motion

3D Reconstruction Using Structure-from-Motion

Structure from motion is a technique of estimating the motion of the camera and recovering three-dimensional (3D) scenes from 2-dimensional (2D) image sequences taken from two or multiple different views of one camera. The objective of this project is to identify the various approaches to generating sparse 3D reconstructions using the Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms.

Single Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement

Single Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement

Numerous super-resolution methods have been proposed in the computer vision community. In this project, we will investigate a family of models called ”denoising diffusion probabilistic models” (DDPM) which are nowadays of great interest for image generation. The goal of this project is to get familiar with this type of method and to understand how they are applied to super-resolution in this paper (SR3).